local media insider

Best Database Marketing

Best email marketing


Best Database Marketing

Best E-mail Sales

Company: Evening Post Industries

Market: Post & Courier - Charleston, SC

Population: 83,000

Key executive: Brad Boggs, Senior Director of Interactive Sales 

Judges take: There were several great entries in this category including a Schurz market with 90% of the population opted-in to email list. However, the Post & Courier stood out in its overall monetization plan. “They make a lot of money (relatively), and go beyond just a newspaper reader extension.” In fact, about 50% of the population is opted-in to receive marketing emails, supporting direct email sales of email products of $200,000 a year. Another revenue gain come from deal opt-ins – the holiday store generated $85,000 last year, the highest among Second Street Media’s 1,900 customers, and is on its way to a big season in 2014.

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database, email, marketing, Post & Courier, Schurz