local media insider
Sponsored by Site Impact opt-in email marketing service

Eight reasons SMBs buy email marketing


SMBs say that email is their #1 marketing choice (Borrell Associates, 2017) and white label opt-in email marketing services like Site Impact make it easy for local media to resell email as a service.

Here are eight key reasons SMBs like to buy email marketing.

1. They need a more targeted audience.

Not all SMBs want a mass media reach. A home remodeler may only want to pay to reach a certain local area consisting of nearby homeowners with older houses, and may be willing to pay more for that hyper-targeting. The auto dealer wants to target owners of Ford automobiles at least five years old, with an interest in clean fuel. A ski resort is marketing to high income families in a nearby city. A white label opt-in service such as Site Impact can select to reach consumers by geography, age, income and 350 points of interest.

2. They have an email newsletter, but only a few thousand names.

SMBs who already send out an email newsletter are great prospects. Email is time consuming to create and the average business marketer spends four hours just to send one. However, all of this time is invested in reaching existing customers repeatedly, and these lists are typically small in size. Even large local businesses only have an average of 2,000 to 3,000 names (Borrell Associates, 2018). An email marketing service can multiply their newsletter’s reach to NEW prospects, who are interested in their product or service.

3. They are running a customer contest.

More businesses are purchasing quizzes and contests to help build their own database or to generate direct leads. What better way to double or triple their reach than using email targeting that allows openers to “click to enter.”. Once a contest is in place, email marketing services can extend the audience with the exact demographics, geo-area and interests needed.

4. They are having a weekend sale.

Companies who have giant holiday promotions or sales during Memorial Day or Fourth of July often need to sell through inventory in a short period of time. Email targeting is a powerful way to attract more walk-ins for time-based promotions.

5. They market to  out of area consumers.

Travel destinations such as ski resorts, or destination theater and festivals pull from an out of area market. As a result, they may be forced to over or under-buy media coverage. It is not just travel destinations that have this problem. Home builders in Florida may need to reach retirees in New York. Email marketing is a simple and efficient way to reach these audiences.

6.  They do not have time to for DIY email marketing.

Email is extraordinarily time consuming for SMBs to do on their own. The majority have a small email list but not enough time to compose a message, design the email and send it. An email marketing service can ‘take it off their hands.’

7.  They buy political advertising.

This political season promises to break records and television will sell out quickly. Candidates and operatives looking for additional options for their messages will spend at least 20% on digital (Borrell Associates, 2018). Targeted email is a great way to reach a specific  demographic area, zip codes and even political affiliation.

8. They already buy programmatic advertising.

SMB´s who already buy programmatic already understand the power of strategic targeting, have a well-defined ideal audience and larger budgets. Opt-in email marketing makes sense for their buying strategy.


Most media sales representatives intuitively understand that local business like email marketing. It is on digital service that is both measurable and familiar. Giving them this list of key motivators will help them build a prospect list for the low-hanging fruit, and be on the look-out for new sales in the field. Site Impact’s white label, opt-in email marketing service makes it simple to sell and deliver email campaigns; the reseller selects the target audience in a few clicks, and sends in an advertisement. The list management and deployment is ready the next day.

Contact Site Impact CEO Brandon Rosen, Brandon@siteimpact.com 561-685-8991 for a demo.







email, site impact, agency, data